Info: 'Inspired by Rob Guttman and François Pottier, with version 1.1 enhancements being based on discussion with Rob Guttman. Icon partially stolen from Resorcerer.ResAnomaly is free! Drag one o’ them resource files on it.'
Info: 'ResAnomaly found a resource of type ‘^0’ with the same name (^1) as another resource of type ‘^0’. If this resource name is written to the file, you’ll get a compile-time duplicate variable name error.'
Bounds: x1=72, y1=96, x2=190, y2=116
Type: 4
Info: 'Skip This Resource'
Items: (2 entries)
Bounds: x1=292, y1=76, x2=360, y2=96
Type: 4
Info: 'Oh'
Bounds: x1=64, y1=12, x2=344, y2=60
Type: -120
Info: 'ResAnomaly can’t process “^0” for some reason. (^1)'